What happened to my GAP Year?
So you finished school and were counting down to that elusive GAP year. A time prior to starting University, deciding on a career or just a chance to explore the world and find yourself. Right? Wrong!
Covid-19 put a rude halt to the plans and dreams of many International students and GAP year would be travelers in 2020 and things have not got off to the best start this year.
In unprecedented times of closed borders, restrictions, social distancing and a heightened mindfulness for hygiene, how do you make the most of this period and get your ‘game on’?
As many Countries have closed borders, other opportunities open up. Predictions of a boom in local tourism, may present work opportunities with little competition from International backpackers and travelers for the time being.
Perhaps now is the time to see some of your own Country, save money and build skills for life that might support you abroad when borders re-open (which hopefully won’t be too much longer).
7 tips to make the most of your GAP Year
1. Au Pair
As an au pair, you take care of children and carry out select chores for a family normally in return for board, meals and a wage. The role of au pair can take you anywhere around your own Country or abroad. It is great to get some experience at home first and flesh out that resume. Check out websites such as www.aupairworld.com for more information.
2. Ranch/Jillaroo/Jackaroo/Farm Work
Get out to the country, get fit and learn some new skills. There are numerous programs available to get experience working on a farm or ranch. Some of these are volunteer programs and some are paid as advertised. It’s a matter of finding the right location and situation that appeals to you. Work may vary from mustering, shearing, fruit picking or fencing, to name a few.
3. Ski Fields
The ski fields will be lacking the distinct international flavour at the moment. Positions normally filled by travelers might be available. A great opportunity to get some experience locally and expand your resume for work at International Resorts in the future.
4. Scuba Certified
Get scuba diving certified and receive your passport to the underwater world. Who knows after enough hours and experience it might even lead to work abroad.
5. Mining is Hiring
The mining industry is hiring, with opportunities to earn big bucks, fly to remote regions and learn new skills. Perhaps a good opportunity to get some space, a change of scenery and save for your trip abroad.
6. Defence Force
Maybe not everyone’s dream idea of a GAP year – but for one year you could experience an adventure in the army, navy or air force and get paid while travelling around your Country. Who knows maybe you will discover your dream job.
7. Study
Maybe you’re taking a year off from your University degree, but what about other study and courses? Could it be a time to enrol in something else that you are passionate about or something that might support future travel? There are many skilled trade options and courses to choose from online.
Whatever last year or this year has unexpectedly thrown at you, try and make it count, even in a small way. And know that travel and all your other dreams will still be waiting for you at the other end.