Last Seen : Heiligenblut, Austria
4 September, 2013
Nationality : Hungarian, Magyar
Age : 40
Hair Color : Brown
Eye Color : Brown
Height : 57 Weight : 51
On 4 September 2013, Hungarian tourist Rita Bangagyi, mysteriously disappeared without a trace from the town of Heilegenblut, Austria. Rita left her accommodation at 11.30am for a day hike. There was an unconfirmed sighting of her in the village later that afternoon at 19.45 – she never made it back to her accommodation. A massive search and rescue operation took place in the mountains, over a number of days but nothing was ever found. If you have seen Rita Ban or have any new information regarding her disappearance please contact the Heiligenblut Police on +43 59 133 2225 or email Anne,